Mindfulness For Children: Your Personal Weather Report

In the book Sitting Still Like a Frog by Eline Snel, we learn of mindfulness exercises that you can practice with your children.

One of my favorite ones is Summoning Your Personal Weather Report:

  • Sit comfortably with your child
  • Close your eyes
  • Ask your child to close his or her eyes
  • Then ask them to determine how they are feeling right now
  • Is it relaxed and sunny? Is it rainy and fearful? Is there a thunderstorm raging perhaps?
  • Once they have summoned their personal weather report, let them know that there is nothing to do. Let them observe their feelings.

With this exercise, we understand that sometimes we simply cannot change our feelings. Like the weather outside, we cannot change the weather inside. We may feel the downpour, but we are not the rain. We may feel scared, but we are not a scaredy-cat.

Like the weather, moods change…they blow over. We can acknowledge our feelings, but we don’t have to react. Sometimes we can ask for a hug or a phone call to a friend.

In this way, we allow children to get in touch with their internal world. We remind them of the greatness that exists inside. We assure them that we are on their side, comforting them even when the weather is stormy. We teach them to maintain their composure while acknowledging their feelings. Just like the weather, feelings pass and feelings change.

But who we are always remains the same.

(Image via Flynt/bigstock.com)

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